Listen to a talk by one of our trans priests-in-training as he talks about his journey to coming out and being a trans Buddhist clergy member.

Queer Community

We have a robust queer community here at Clouds and many of our teachers and priests are LGBTQ+.

We have a pronouns practice and statement on non-harming, gender-neutral bathrooms, and create a supportive environment where all bodies are welcome.

You’ll feel welcome right away with our messaging throughout the center affirming queer and trans lives and identity.

We take the safety of our members seriously, which is why we have an intentional practice around addressing concerns in the form of our Ethical and Reconciliation Committee.


🌈 Queer Dharma Group 🏳️‍🌈

We’re meeting on the 3rd Friday of every month at Clouds from 6:30 - 8:30 pm for sitting, conversation, and community!

All are welcome. This is free, with a request of donating what you can.

We are a peer-led group which aims to discuss the Dharma in a queer and trans context.

We are open to anyone who is LGBTQIA2S+, regardless of partners, age, and identity, as well as those who feel such a group would benefit them.

We’ll meet for a meditation and a loosely guided discussion over tea and snacks.

Questions? ::